The advice I give to my bravest clients



Hello there!

No contact doesn’t guarantee you’ll get over your ex.

I went contact with all my exes. But that didn’t stop me from thinking about them all the time.

No contact is a tool. But it won’t build the whole house for you.

The key to getting over someone is to stop thinking about them. Start thinking more about yourself.

This requires you to break some habits. In a relationship, you’re so used to thinking about the other person. So you have all these habits to be thinking about that other person.

But the breakup interrupted the pattern. Thinking about them isn’t your responsibility anymore.

You are only responsible for yourself. You are responsible for your healing and well-being. And if you don’t do it, no one else will.

Instead of trying to understand your ex, you need to focus on yourself.

I’ll be honest: It’s harder to look at yourself than it is to look at someone else. That’s why most people won’t do it.

But you’re here because you’re a warrior for your own life. You care about having the best, most fulfilled life. People like us have the courage to look at ourselves. And we take responsibility for ourselves .

We take care of our well-being. We learn to master our mind because we know we are not our thoughts. We choose our thoughts.

This is brave work, my friends. You deserve some recognition for what you’re doing. And I applaud you.

It doesn’t matter if you go no contact or not. What matters is taking responsibility for your thoughts and feelings.

If you liked this conversation, come join me Live on Instagram this week!

I am going live at noon on Thursday September 12 with Boudoir Photographer Nicole Griffin. Her story of healing is a powerful reminder that how you choose to think and feel about yourself matters. (it doesn’t hurt having someone as kind and talented as Nicole tell you that you’re gorgeous!)

What questions do you have about boudoir? Have you ever been curious to try it but you’re scared? Hit reply and let me know your questions and we’ll answer them live.

And then join us on my Instagram page here and listen in!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Sarah Curnoles Coaching

In my weekly emails, you will receive inspiration to tap into your inner strength to turn your breakup into the best thing to ever happen to you. Discover tools to heal your heartbreak, tap into your inner strength, and begin a new chapter in your life.

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