Quick tip: How to trust your gut



Have you ever been driving home from work when your gut says to take the backroads? You decide to listen, it would be a pretty drive anyway. And luck would have it, you find out later there was a major accident on the highway that you avoided.

We can’t listen to our nudges if we’re not paying attention and learning their language. They don’t speak in words. Our intuition speaks in feelings.

We must start to pay attention to the feelings. We do this by taking two minutes to check in with yourself. To do a body scan. Do this every single day. Bonus points if you do this two, three, four times a day.

Pay attention to what’s present. Get curious about why you might be feeling certain ways. Got butterflies in your stomach? Maybe you’re nervous about something. Tightness in your chest? Maybe you’re feeling anxious. A slight headache? Perhaps you’re putting too much pressure on yourself.

Notice what’s present. Get curious about what it’s communicating to you. Experiment with what you want to do about it. Be like a scientist - create a hypothesis, test it out, observe, evaluate, adjust as needed.

This is foundational to building self trust. Listening to the wisdom of your body. Paying attention. Acting on the wisdom you receive. Trusting that you are always exactly where you’re supposed to be. Even when you don’t see a traffic nightmare to reinforce that you did the right thing.

Sometimes feeling at peace and connected to yourself is enough.

Wanna fun way to smash lingering thoughts of your ex?

I'm hosting my first Break Free Bash! Bring your old Halloween pumpkin to Checkerspot Brewery on November 10. I'll supply markers where you can write your ex's name on your pumpkin and then smash it to bits.

There will be live music, beer, games, and lots of fun.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Sarah Curnoles Coaching

In my weekly emails, you will receive inspiration to tap into your inner strength to turn your breakup into the best thing to ever happen to you. Discover tools to heal your heartbreak, tap into your inner strength, and begin a new chapter in your life.

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