I suck at asking for help



I’m writing this email from the airport on my way to Nashville to work at a retreat. My sister dropped me off early, so I had some time.

My sister lives 10 minutes from the airport. She always tells me to park my car in front of her house and let her drive me. For a long time I would pay for parking at the airport or use a Lyft because I was afraid to ask for help.

This time, I asked. I still struggled with being avoidant about asking for help. I was afraid to inconvenience her. I didn’t want to pressure her to help me and for her to be unhappy.

Even though I am a coach who tells other people to ask for help, I still have a hard time asking for help.

Most of us aren’t taught how to ask for help. We learn to be independent so that no one has to worry about us. We glorify being independent and we value it.

I’m not saying that you should rely on other people for everything.

I’m saying the world is built on balance. And when you need help, someone else can provide it.

When you don’t ask for help, it’s like buying your own Christmas gifts and telling everyone not to get you anything. Because "you’re good." It takes all the fun out of it.

It’s vulnerable to ask for help. It’s revealing that you’re a person with needs and wants. And you’re risking not getting your needs met.

Sometimes it feels easier to meet your own needs or to never ask because it hurts so damn bad to be let down. But the solution isn’t to never have needs or to never ask for help. That is being a robot.

You’re not a robot. You’re a human. And we humans are wired for connection. And we connect by being vulnerable.

The solution is to be someone who can live whole-heartedly and take the risk to be vulnerable. It’s having the tools you need to weather the bumps in the road. And having the discernment so you are connecting with the right people.

This is why I do what I do. When someone agrees to work with me, they get to practice being vulnerable with a safe person. They get to work through issues, learn to ask for help, and advocate for themselves.

If I could create a revolution, it would be of people asking for help and receiving it. And then watch how the world will change for the better. I know my world is getting better every time I ask for help.

I feel less alone. I feel closer to people. I feel worthy.

Do you have something you want in your life and you need some help to get there? Can I walk alongside you and help you?

Book a Brave Package. You bring the challenge you’re facing or the action you want to take. You will get to schedule 3 60-minute phone coaching calls. You will get:

  • a personalized action plan to take your next step.
  • Mindset tools to help conquer your fears.
  • Accountability so that you don’t backslide.
  • A celebration plan so that you have a built in reward to keep you motivated and excited through all your brave moments.

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And if you’re not sure this is right for you and want to hop on a 30 minute call to explore your options, hit reply and let me know. I’m happy to help you make the decision that’s right for you.

I’m here for you. If you’re ready to change, it’s time to raise your hand and ask for help. I love working with people who know there is more to life than this. Who don’t want to settle any more. I’m right here and ready to roll.

With love,


Are you ready to make a change? And would you like me in your corner while you do it? Let's make it happen fast. Book your Brave Pack of life-changing coaching sessions:

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Sarah Curnoles Coaching

In my weekly emails, you will receive inspiration to tap into your inner strength to turn your breakup into the best thing to ever happen to you. Discover tools to heal your heartbreak, tap into your inner strength, and begin a new chapter in your life.

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